Thank you to all the Father's that have sown into your children's and to others lives. Whether you are aware of it or not your actions were and are a seed that is planted in your child's life and will bring forth fruit.
I thank my dad today for being a father that provided for his family. For being a father that showed us that we could do whatever we put our mind too. For instilling in us good values. For being my daddy when I needed a hug, or just to know that I was loved no matter what I had done. Thank you dad for the life that you dedicated to your family, thank you for all of the sacrifices that you made in your life to raise us. Thank you for loving mom the way that you did, and for showing me that you can stay in love and stay married even after almost 42 years of marriage. Thank you for showing me that love can last and that marriage is more than just that fairy tale that we are led to believe. That marriage and family is work but staying together through the tough times and celebrating the victories is well worth it. Thank you dad for showing me your strength in the loss of mom. For letting me know that you will never stop loving her, but showing me it is okay to move on with your life. Thank you daddy, Happy Father Day, I love you.
To my husband,
Brett I love you more today than I ever thought possible. Thank you for the man that you have become and for the wonderful father that you are to Allison. Thank you for being the spiritual leader of our home. Thank you for rising above circumstances that were not all that positive in your relationship with your father. Thank you for your daily sacrifices for our family. You are such a kind, gentle, funny, loving husband, friend and father. I thank God for you daily, for the blessings that He has given our family. I thank God for the best friend that He gave me in you. Happy Father's Day Sweetie. You are an amazing dad, friend, and husband!
All My Love, Kelly